Thursday, December 4, 2008


Pornography is one of the most male oriented forms of entertainment. It is almost entirely comprised for the male gaze. It usually degrades women by having them perform sexual acts for the man to watch.

Yet a lot of women watch it and find pleasure in it. Most men can masturbate without a visual image placed in front of them. But there are quite a few women who need that visual stimulation in order to achieve an organism.

Sure most of the stars are very poor actors but they are mainly there to provide a voyeuristic pleasure one cannot find anywhere else. There are porno’s out for all kinds of fetishes and acts of sex. They have one’s for just about anyone’s tastes.
Some people feel the porn should be removed because it does nothing but degrade people. But I feel that if people like it and will spend their money on it why not just let them view it.

Freakin' FCC

I feel that the FCC has way too much power. I believe that parents should be the ones who regulate the airwaves for their children. If they don’t like a particular show they cannot allow their children to watch it. With the technology we have today it should not be an issue. I feel that we should allow more things on the air and not have everything regulated so much. I can understand no subliminal messages in shows but not allowing vulgar language is just dumb to me. Sure kids are influential but other countries allow such things and their kids are doing better than ours. So I don’t think it’s the programming I believe that it is just poor parenting.

Does Sexual Harassment go both ways?

Is it ok for a woman to file sexual harassment if she does the exact same thing? On Saturday at my job a coworker was fired for saying, “Do some work and stop being such a Vagina”. And her response was “Stop being such a Dick, I’m tired, I was out at the club last night”. So the male coworker was fired because he used the term “Vagina” but the women just had a stern talking to about using the word “Dick”. She was the one who filed the grievance but I feel that it shouldn’t matter. How can one word be worse than the other? It really made me mad because the male coworker actually does his work and doesn’t complain much. While the female just sits around and lets others do the work for her while she complains. The argument was heated because the female was just sitting down letting others do her work because she was “tired”. But she is always tired and the male was mad because there was a lot of work that needed to be done.
He fighting to get his job back, with back pay for the lost time. But it’s a fight he shouldn’t have to make. They both should have been fired for using the terms in a derogatory way.

Sorry Officer I was too drunk to realize I was drinking and driving

Date rape is a very touchy subject. People feel strongly about it one-way or the other. I feel that it is a very sexist crime because it is far easier for a woman to claim it then a man. An awkward morning does not come from a boring or lonely night. Have you ever been drinking and done things that you regret. Sure we all have Alcohol shuts the brain down and allows more of your primal urges and basic instincts to come out. Reasonable thought is one of the first things to go.

But to claim rape when the circumstances were in your control is just not right. I feel that it should only be considered date rape when the other member slips you a drug. You are the one who controls how much alcohol enters your system. No one is forcing it down your throat so you should learn your limits and regulate how much alcohol enters your system. You wouldn’t argue a drinking and driving case by saying that you were to drunk to realize you were driving.

When I was 18 I wanted to keep my virginity until I was married. It was a noble cause and I had many offers but I turned them down. Well one night my friend asked me to come to her party and have a few drinks. I said sure because I just started drinking and really enjoyed it. Well everyone at the party knew what the plan was and 2 girls there had a bet on who could take my virginity first. People at the party also had money down on which one would score. I didn’t know that this was the plan or I would not have had so much alcohol. They made me a pitcher of a special jungle juice claiming that they did this to all newbie partiers in their group. I said why not and drank the whole thing. I had no idea how much alcohol I could handle because it was only my 8th time drinking. And the party went on and I cannot really remember what happened. All I know is I woke up the next morning and my friend was wearing my shirt and I was naked. I was so embarrassed I grabbed her shirt threw my pants on and ran out. She called me later and we went to get breakfast with the group and that’s when I found out about the bet. It changed my view and actually allowed me to loosen up. I used to be so uptight about things. Sure most people will say it was a bad experience but I learned a lesson and could then freely start dating without the pressure of losing my virginity. I wouldn’t be with the girl I am so happily with today if I didn’t lose my virginity.

The hardest part was telling the girl that I loved at the time that I was no longer a virgin and made a decision that I didn’t really regret. She said she felt sad for me and that was when I could take her off the pedestal I had her on and move on with my life.

I know what it is like to be taken advantage of and I feel that you should learn from your mistakes. It happened to me again at a different party but since then I have learned how much alcohol I should consume and not go sleeping around.

If you are the one that puts yourself in the situation then you are the one who should take responsibility for your action. Just because alcohol is a factor doesn’t mean that it controls you.

And in most cases of date rape the other member has been drinking as well. So why cant the guy argue that the girl took advantage of him. It is because it is engrained in society that men are always looking for sex and women aren’t. Even though that is not always the case. I know quite a few women who like to drink and fool around while drunk. So why is it different if you are a male and do the same thing?

And don’t tell me that women get drunk faster than men because that just means that women should drink less. It is up to the person to control how much alcohol they consume. Everyone should know their limits and take responsibility for what they do while they are intoxicated.

Its Ladies Night O what a night.

I cannot stand ladies night at bars and clubs. Not only is it very sexist but it also promotes putting women in situations they would normally not be in. Sure it attracts women to these bars/clubs but it also allows them to drink more then they should. I feel that they should remove ladies night from all bars and clubs. This will help women avoid being taken advantage of if they become too intoxicated because they will not drink as much. Yes I know most of the time men buy women drinks but that’s a totally different situation. Because when a girl can drink all night for like 6 dollars they tend to refill their drinks more often and lose count of how much they have faster. So if they removed ladies night, women will not drink as much and will be a less likely a target.

How to Lose weight

If you want to look your best and lose weight you should strength train. Strength training is one of the best ways to get into shape and lose weight. It burns more fat than a cardiovascular work out and will give you more results faster. It is also faster and you spend less time working out. All you need is 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. You still have to eat right but you will get results. Cardio workout which can take hours to get results burn muscles and not much fat because the body wants to store fat for quick energy. While strength training requires short spurts of energy so it will burn fat quickly.

One way to look at it is threw long distance runners and sprinters.
A long distance runner seems to be really thin but has more fat deposits. Their workout usually consists of lots of cardio work outs and distance running.

A sprinter will look more tone because they have more muscle mass and few fat deposits. Their work out usually consists of short sprints and strength training.
Girls who want to improve their body images should really consider it. Instead of starving yourselves you should just work out. And don’t spend hours on the treadmills needlessly running. Just go over to the other equipment and lift weights. The models that girls envy don’t spend time running because they have personal trainers who provide personal plans with weights.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is it ok to allow underage girls at a club/bar?

I feel that it is not ok for them to be there and clubs and bars should take more responsibility for allowing such things to happen.
I feel that clubs and bars should have better screening for their patrons. I know of a few girls who have no trouble with their fake ids because they all dress up and look good. Then the bartender just lets them drink or the bouncer lets them in. And these fake ids are not even that good. They barley look like the girls but they are not questioned.

While a few of my younger gentlemen friends try and do the same thing but they are denied.
It is very sexist to allow girls to be able to do this. And it also interferes with their safety. Most of the time girls are not even asked to show id even though they look like they are fresh out of high school.